Monday 13 June 2011

Practice 1

Yesterday, first official practice day. The point of the official practice day is for competitors to get to know the wonderful but weird ways and procedures the organisers are operating, and for the organisers to test their well meaning but sometimes, well, how shall one put it...not entirely thought through local rules.

For example, they have decided it's a really good idea for gliders to land from both sides of the runway at the same time....

Another reason for practice day is for the Met woman/man (Sweden is truly equal opportunity country) to spot the deliberate mistake. So today the weather MAN (we have two weather people, a young woman and a very old man and they take it in turns) who looks like an elf (I will try and get a picture of him!), said he forgot to tell us about the wind shear breaking the thermals. Of course it was obvious this will happen because the 28 knot wind changed direction 180 degrees at height.

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