Wednesday 22 June 2011

Landout day again

Yesterday, day 5.

The weather man says, there is low pressure moving to our east. Oh and there is another small one developing to our South. Oh, sorry, i forgot, there is another small low just to the west of us...

We get a task at least. The sky look ok when we launch but the clouds don't seem to work very well. Weather reports from Allan on the radio don't seem to show any long term problems such as high cloud encroaching or showers. We delay our start to 13:30.

In hindsight this was a mistake as conditions deteriorated very quickly at the start zone to the extent where the Standard class task was cancelled. They probably would have cancelled our task as well but our start gate was already declared open. The day can't be cancelled once the gate is declared open.

Cloud base is topping at 3000 feet and the climbs are weak, 2 kts at best. We are tip towing forward, taking each climb to the top. Cloud cover is now complete 8/8, you can see cumulus from a distance but as you get to them they blend in with the medium cover and disappear, you have to take a guess.

The second leg is over unlandable area, you can't take chances with such low cloudbase, you have to fly the fields rather than the clouds. After two hours of crawling, we miss one climb and end up in a very nice brown field. What can you do.

Afterwards, i learn that the results went my way. EA, the leader, has landed out after only 5km, having started very late (this was the French tactic all week). Agneta, in BC, had done well and is now in the lead. I am now second, 70 points behind.

Today looks like a total washout so most likely scrubbed. Two days to go.

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